Project Logistics Budgeting

Project Logistics Budgeting

Budgeting of any upcoming Project is the foremost and essential factors for proceeding from planning stage to implementation stage. Logistics budget constitutes the core part of complete Project Construction Budgeting. The project owner selects the EPC Contractor who then plans Engineering, Procurement and Construction schedules. The EPC Contractor post working on the Engineering Details and requirements, finalizes the equipment suppliers around the globe.

We at Wheel & Time obtain the packing list of equipments which are planned to be procured from various global suppliers and start working on the logistics cost from the place of origin to the delivery up to the project site. The cost factors that are included in our budgeting depends upon the scope of work under incoterms defined by the project manager. This could be any one of the following.

  • Ex-works to DAP
  • Ex-works to FOB
  • Ocean Freight
  • Pre or Onward Carriages for both import or export cargoes
  • Inland haulages

Project logistics budgeting is proposed at different stages of plant construction.

  • Bidding stages of EPC contractor or Equipment Supplier
    As per the scope of work requisition, our technical team based on their knowledge and experience proposes the most viable solution with almost accurate logistics budgets, thereby supporting the bidding team of EPC Contractor or Equipment supplier to evaluate and include the logistics budget in their complete bid of procuring or supplying the equipment.
  • Procurement stages of EPC Contractor or Supply of Equipment by the Equipment supplier
    Based on the incoterms scope, we offer our most competitive technical and commercial proposal that is based on fresh extensive studies carried out by our team and associates and backed by the actual costs prevailing during the execution of the transport.