Pre-Shipment Heavylift Route Surveys and Feasibility Studies

Pre-Shipment Heavylift Route Surveys and Feasibility Studies

Setting up a new plant in Inland locations poses several transport challenges, especially when it comes to procurement of heavy or super critical oversized cargoes.  The super critical cargoes could be machineries required for Power Plant, Steel Plant, Refineries, Petrochemicals, Cement plant, Heavy Engineering, or any port infrastructure.


We conduct comprehensive feasibility studies of routes available to determine the most appropriate route for each project on a case-by-case bases. Surveys & studies are carried out by our in-house experienced heavylift experts and Civil Engineers.


Wheel & Time provides you with complete geographical know how of the region, suggest route to be followed, fixed and temporary structures en-route, impediments, procedures for handling the heavylifts or oversized machineries, precautionary measures, corrective actions required for the safe transport of the heavylift by road, river or sea.

The salient features of the Route survey report are:
  1. Propose safest & commercially most viable route.
    We explore all the possible routes that lead to the project site and finally identify the route that shall be the safest, shortest, and commercially competitive of all the available options.
  2. Major Towns & Cities enroute
    Transportation of heavylifts and Oversized equipments passing from the towns and cities are the major concern as it causes inconvenience to the local residents and the traffic in several ways. We carefully study the passage and suggest you the most convenient time and period to cross such cities.
  3. Bridges, Cross Drainage works and Construction of Bye-passes.
    Indian bridges and culverts are not designed for transport of heavylifts; hence each structure must be studied and inspected before we suggest crossing over the bridge or culvert with heavy loads. Our team of surveyors that includes civil engineers also study the possibilities of constructing the bypasses on the perennial rivers when crossing over the bridge is not suitable.
  4. Impediments in Hilly Terrains.
    India has extreme diversified geographical physical features having hilly terrains in almost every part of the country. These hilly sections may restrict the movement of the OW + OD packages. We make accurate observations of the high gradients, turning radius of bends & rock projections. This helps taking corrective actions well in advance before the actual movement of the package.
  5. Wire Network
    The electric network of India is widespread in the entire country and with the growing population the electrification is speedily expanding making transportation for high equipments more and more critical. We measure the vertical clearances of wires from the ground level and list out the details of the wires that restrict the smooth movement of the packages.
  6. River Transport & construction of temporary jetties.
    When the heavylift transport has to be done thru multimodal transport especially by sea-river-land, our team of surveyors are joined by our in-house experienced marine experts who assist us in studying the navigation of the river transport, construction of jetties and temporary Ro-Ro ramps.
  7. Permissions
    The transport of heavylift and oversized cargo is governed by MoRTH which controls the pre-requisite approvals, besides the Police, RTO, State Electricity Board, Public Works Department, Forest Department, NHAI, Telephone Departments, and Local Panchayats etc., In case of Multimodal Transport by rail, river or sea, various permissions are required from Irrigation Department, IWAI, Ports, Maritime Boards, DG Shipping etc., We find out the contact details of the departments involved in the process of providing Heavylift / Oversized cargo transport related permissions and list down the same in our report so that during the actual movement of the packages, meticulous planning for advance permission is done.